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GLOBE Partnering with you!

GLOBE: Partnering With (Yes!) the United Nations for 2018 . . . & You!

UU Question: Does Caring For Our Community Environment Also Reflect Global Sensibilities . . and how can we positively impact social injustices that are exacerbated by unregulated industrial growth, climate change and indifferent citizens?

At our most recent December GLOBE meeting, we were reminded that we indeed are partnering globally with ALL of humanity through our shared concerns. This was brought home to us in deep and insightful ways through Chaz Maviyane-Davies NEW book of 30 posters based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If you remember, our UU family was introduced to Chaz a year + ago, when Suzanne and Bonnita shared Chaz’s remarkable book, “A World Of Questions – 120 Posters On The Human Condition” during a summer service. The dialog and discourse from the fellowship that day was a testament to the selected stunning images and meaningful quotes from Chaz. Now and continuing, we realize Unitarian Universalists stand in solidarity, and act in unison with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article # 29: “Everyone has a Duty to Our Community and The Environment”. So you see, my initial UU Question is an homage to Suzanne’s Zimbabwe friend Chaz, who propels our preservation possibilities in new and expansive ways, as well as a tribute to the enduring values of the United Nations.

As members of GLOBE (Green Living on Behalf of the Earth), we’re also encouraged and buoyed by the shared sense of purpose we have with the many local, regional enviro organizations in our area. By pooling our ideas and activities for sustaining the health of our planet, we are building valuable relationships for vital and necessary change.

For the New Year of 2018, won’t you consider joining us, JOINING GLOBE as together we develop the tools to talk with our family, friends, neighbors, and with each other in more effective ways?

We welcome YOU as caring collaborators and kindred spirits!

Respectfully submitted by Bonnita Budysz, GLOBE member

Chaz ‘s work can be seen at

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