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GLOBE - Green Living On Behalf of the Earth ~ Working for a sustainable future.

Judi Nothern Committee Chair

On January 7, 2017: 5 members of our Committee gathered for a 4-hour meeting at the beautiful Bridge Between Retreat Center near Denmark, WI, for the purpose of planning GLOBE actions and projects for 2017. T. Heather Herdman, Executive Director of the Center, did an excellent job of seeing that we were comfortable in the Granary pictures below, and we were very well fed!

Jean Biegun, Suzanne Zipperer, Erica Strauss, Bonnita Budysz and Judi Northern, pictured below, at the Bridge Between Retreat Center.

Our Planning program covered 4 major categories:

  • Outreach/Networking,

  • Sustainable Eating/Organic Food Growing,

  • Legislative Action, and

  • Native Plant/Wildlife Habitat Restoration.

Under each category were a number of sub-headings consisting of specific projects or actions we consider important for 2017 including:


  • Meet with the Mayor regarding how to improve Manitowoc’s sustainability practices (took place February 2nd —exchange of information continues between Mayor Nickels and Judi Northen, GLOBE Chair.)

  • Raise awareness in Manitowoc business and residential areas of the risks of, and alternatives to, commercial toxic chemical lawn and garden pesticides. (beginning in Spring 2017)

  • Help organize, facilitate, promote, and participate in events for environmental causes such as marches, rallies, and educational happenings. (so far Earth Day event plans are developing for April 22nd and 29th and GLOBE may join a nearby 4th of July parade)

Sustainable Eating/Organic Food Growing

  • Network with Amber Daugs of Grow It Forward (in process—will begin sometime in March)

  • Learn the benefits and “how-to” of permaculture (in process through Sheboygan Area Permaculture Group)

  • Explore the possibility of setting up a GLOBE information booth at Manitowoc’s Farmer’s Market

Legislative Action

  • Team up with the Manitowoc County League of Women Voters for project(s) related to local environmental issues

  • Begin telephone and letters to the editor campaigns using tips from current and former legislators

Native Plant/Wildlife Habitat Restoration

  • Learn more by connecting with local efforts

  • Participate in area programs and seminars, including working with organizations such as Woodland Dunes and the Audubon Society

  • Watch thought-provoking documentaries found online on websites such as and; research facts gathered for accuracy, and pass information along to the LUUF congregation and Manitowoc community.

Although we definitely have an extremely busy year coming up, the Committee considers our 1st Annual Planning Day a definite success!

Thanks to all who support and work with GLOBE throughout the year – we are here for you! Judi Northern (Chair)

GLOBE Committee members

Bonnita Budysz

Bernard Nelson

Cindy Mull

Jean Biegun

Suzanne Zipperer

Jennifer Cerny Erica Strauss, LUUF Board Liason.

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620 Park Street, Manitowoc, WI 54228

Along the shores of Lake Michigan

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