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LUUF Members and Friends Wednesday 1:00 pm  Zooom"Check-in


Again this Wednesday we will have a mid-week check-in.   It is a opportunity to check in with friends.    In addition to the check in, this week we will be discussing an article published in the Chronicle of Higher Education.  The author, Aisha S. Ahmad, is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Toronto University.   She has a unique perspective to share because she has lived through several disasters in her life time.  The article is only four pages and a quick read.   Reading this article is not a requirement to attend the check-in.  Ceil Held will lead the discussion on the article.

You can find the article HERE


Below is the Zoom connection information.   You can begin signing on at 12:45 pm.  The meeting will start at 1:00 pm.




You can join our Wednesday Check-in's using a smart phone, a tablet or a computer.   Your device must be connected to a WiFi network.   You also have the option to listen to the service by calling in just with your phone. â€‹




Please plan to join the Zoom session at 12:45 am to allow time to connect and solve tech issues

Click on this link to join the Zoom Meeting

If you are asked to enter a meeting ID and password, please enter
Meeting ID:  301-502-7722
Password:  668777

If this is the first time using Zoom you will be prompted to download a Zoom App, a short download


If You Plan To Join By Phone Only

To join just on the phone dial  (312) 626-6799,                                
Meeting Number 301-502-7722


If you have any questions please feel free to call or e-mail.


Jim Hollahan
Mobile 301-502-7722


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