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Splendid Spring - Earth Day exibition

Spring Kingdom

I'm heading for an unwalked place

where spring’s not spoken of,

where the border gardens

and farm orchards cease.

There I’ll get on my knees

to uncover avatar kingdoms

blooming in miniature

underneath dried prairie grass.

The wild buds of that place

stake out their own air,

their own strong light,

and their rain.

I'm headed where spring

wants new words, or better,

no words at all,

where the streams and fields

aren’t spoken for yet,

and where what belongs

still grows free.

GLOBE (Green Living On Behalf of Earth) Committee is ready to greet a Splendid Spring with you, while inviting your ekphrasis engagement! By combining painting and poetry in the collaborative art form of ekphrasis, we welcome you to idle awhile along the “Spring Shoreline” (painted on the West Twin River by Bonnita Budysz), while your “Spring Kingdom” (Jean Biegun’s poem from The Dunesletter) unfolds.

Look for our booth on April 29th in celebration of Earth Day at the YMCA, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.. We will feature a fishing pond for young enviro/activists as well as literature to spark and encourage Caring Compassion for our Glorious Planet Earth!

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